Convert Project

  1. You can convert existing project data in the list by clicking the convert button. cnv-button

  2. Select the convert type you want to do for the project you choose. cnv-choice

  3. The pop-up appear to confirm your action.

    Convert Won Convert Lost Convert Canceled
    cnv-won cnv-lost cnv-cancel

    Make sure you choose the correct data since this action is irreversible. Click cancel button to cancel this action. Click Yes, convert it to won/lost/cancel! button to do this action.

  4. If you convert project to won: The pop-up will appear and indicating your data has been converted. proj-won The conversion will be approved and selected project stage will change to Closed Won (100%). proj-conversion

    If you convert project to lost: You need to type a reason to convert this project to lost and click Yes, convert it to lost! button to proceed. Click cancel to cancel the conversion. proj-lost-reason The pop-up will appear and selected project stage will change to Closed Lost (0%). proj-lost

    If you convert project to cancel: You need to type a reason to convert this project to cancel and click Yes, convert it to cancel! button to proceed. Click cancel to cancel the conversion. proj-cancel-reason The pop-up will appear and selected project stage will change to Canceled (0%). proj-cancel